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Seeking memories

My memories of you are fading even only after a few days...

Dear dad,

I found odd pieces of documents and photos while clearing your room. When mom left us many years ago, I barely saw you grief. I thought you were a bad husband. I actually hated you for it.

But now I look back and think life was hard in our little two room flat. Yet you spared whatever you could to provide mom and me. The little trips to the beach, the potong ice cream you would buy for us (that was a real treat). In the end, it is the little things we do that matter most.

How I was embarrassed of you then when you took time to pick me up from school with your dirty and smelly work clothes. In hand you had a milo for me. There was a lot of quiet moments as we walked home together. How I wish we could have talked more then.

These days I wonder if my own children will do this to me one day.


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