Heartbreaking urgent appeal
In which a heartbreaking story is also one of strength and generosity I type this post out with a heavy heart as someone with such...
In which a heartbreaking story is also one of strength and generosity I type this post out with a heavy heart as someone with such...
A sad end to happier times Sad news. It came to my attention that a dearie's business has become the latest victim of COVID-19. The harsh...
Things have changed but some scars remain In life, we WILL all lose something precious to us one day. Be it a loved one, a nostalgic...
A little motivation to keep our spirits up. I recently decided to take on some healthier steps to improve my life by signing on with a...
We did great overall So about a day ago, there was a release showing the World Index rankings for Singapore. The way I see it, we did...
Sickos everywhere! After a recent scare involving hidden needles embedded in Australian strawberrries, I thought the incident had blown...
This really hit quite close to my heart with my dad's recent passing. RIP Aloysius Pang 般若波羅蜜多心經 觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 舍利子 色不異空...
Some may wonder how I am getting along without my dad and why I have not been writing much about him recently. I have not forgotten about...
Lesson from dad. Even though my dad was a rather quiet man, when he spoke he was an exceptional story teller. He used to blend ideas with...
This year feels particularly lonely While we are not Christians, a few years ago this holiday would have meant a nice meal for two of us....
My memories of you are fading even only after a few days... Dear dad, I found odd pieces of documents and photos while clearing your...
These moments I look back and laugh in sadness... It is sad how sometimes we don't talk to loved ones when they are alive, and here I am...
I never got the chance to know you even though you were there for me. Someone asked if I missed you but I didn't answer. I walked away...