The irony of financial advice
Yep, we all have to start work from some where. The point of this post is not to poke fun at anyone. However to this day it amuses me how...
Yep, we all have to start work from some where. The point of this post is not to poke fun at anyone. However to this day it amuses me how...
This is just a simple rant. So after all the fanfare about the 14th of Feb being Valentine's Day and all, I realized things had quietened...
Here I try to interpret what an ex said to a hopeful. I try not to dwell too much into politics but this bit of poetry from former PM Goh...
When asking a question about racism in Singapore is racist. So I came across this post by a well-intentioned person asking about whether...
So AIA released a new plan recently. On 24 Jan 2019, AIA launched its First Critical Illness plan. Before I begin with my post, let me...
This post is about sensitivity and sensibility. So over the week of Aloysius Pang's death, some bright spark agent called "Sean Lee"...
This really hit quite close to my heart with my dad's recent passing. RIP Aloysius Pang 般若波羅蜜多心經 觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 舍利子 色不異空...
No shame in shaming them. Yesterday I posted about the insurance fraud committed by a chiropractor and two insurance agents. Hohoho look...
Seriously... what were they thinking? So the story to this was a male chiropractor and two (male and female) insurance agents were...
Some may wonder how I am getting along without my dad and why I have not been writing much about him recently. I have not forgotten about...
There I said it. It was in the news yesterday: HDB request the owner of the koi tank to remove it due to safety issues. I feel that HDB...
Lesson from dad. Even though my dad was a rather quiet man, when he spoke he was an exceptional story teller. He used to blend ideas with...
Insurance viewed as building blocks. There is no "one truth" when it comes to insurance. Agents will always tell their clients it varies...
About a sales pitch which caught my eye... I was informed of this sales pitch on Facebook. I am not here to defame anyone, so let's just...
Insurers have a ton of products to meet your every need or fear The book title is misleading for what I want to say. Insurance companies...
Here was another tip I was given. It may not be the truth but there is a trend among newer insurance agents and their clients. Females...
A look back on my first days of insurance Ever wonder why your "friends" will suddenly call to meet after a long time of not contacting...
Just like to think I am someone simple Well, besides the moaning and groaning in grieving, I thought this is a good time for me to...
Watching this 2017 advert sparked some memories again... I was randomly watching YouTube when I came across this old video from NTUC...
This year feels particularly lonely While we are not Christians, a few years ago this holiday would have meant a nice meal for two of us....